The president met with members of the Congressional Black Caucus to discuss the economy, job creation and the need to pass health care reform. During the meeting with the CBC, congress woman Barbara Lee remarked on the impact of the economy in economically distressed communities and the need for additional assistance in these areas, Members presented their concerns and solutions for broadening the impact of the recovery effort.
The office of the Press Secretary is reporting that the participants agreed on what can be done to impact unemployment immediately, and in the long term, including summer youth employment, job training tied to apprenticeships, a review of Recovery Act contracting to ensure access to these opportunities is fair and equitable, and an appreciation for the jobs that can be generated through weatherization programs, and the passage of health care reform."
Earlier this month, the Reverend Al Sharpton and Tavis Smiley, both with national platforms that discuss issues relative to African Americans, went toe-to-toe on the issue of the president's seemingly disinterest in addressing African American concerns, or having of a Black agenda that will improve the current issues of African Americans.
The office of the Press Secretary is reporting that the participants agreed on what can be done to impact unemployment immediately, and in the long term, including summer youth employment, job training tied to apprenticeships, a review of Recovery Act contracting to ensure access to these opportunities is fair and equitable, and an appreciation for the jobs that can be generated through weatherization programs, and the passage of health care reform."
Earlier this month, the Reverend Al Sharpton and Tavis Smiley, both with national platforms that discuss issues relative to African Americans, went toe-to-toe on the issue of the president's seemingly disinterest in addressing African American concerns, or having of a Black agenda that will improve the current issues of African Americans.
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