The annual Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House was again flanked with kids of all sizes and ages dressed in pretty, and handsomely colored Easter attire waiting their turn to roll an Easter egg down a stretch of green, spring grass. There were no prizes for the winners who got their egg to the finish line first; just the pageantry of being on the White House lawn, seeing the president and first lady and having amazing fun. President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama ready the egg rollers at the 2015 Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House. Photo/CD Brown. The weather cooperated perfectly. It was a sunny, pleasant 70 degrees; a bit less warm than years pass when visitors could be seen with beads of sweat brimming from foreheads - and underarms. Seemingly, there were less kids at the Egg Roll station, and the event was also missing a few members of the first family. Both grandma Robinson and first daughters, Mali...
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