President Biden, in his 2022 Christmas address to the country, admonished Americans to 'look out for one another', and be 'kind' to one another. ADVERTISEMENT CMB BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Here a few excerpts from his address. "That’s why sometimes the smallest act of kindness can mean so much. A simple smile. A hug. An unexpected phone call. A quiet cup of coffee. Simple acts of kindness that can lift a spirit, provide compo- -- comfort, and perhaps maybe even save a life. So, this Christmas, let’s spread a little kindness. This Christmas, let’s be that -- that helping hand, that strong shoulder, that friendly voice when no one else seems to care for those who are struggling, in trouble, in need. It just might be the best gift you can ever give." "The Christmas story is at the heart of the Christmas -- Christian faith. But the message of hope, love, peace, and joy, they’re also universal. It speaks to all of us, whether we’re Christian, Jewish, Hin
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