Akin to filibustering, House Democrats today staged a sit-in on the House floor in an effort to get Congress to act on gun violence legislation. The sit-in, initiated by Congressman John Lewis (D-GA), includes 40 other democratic representatives who have taken to Twitter with the hashtag # NoBillNoBreak . When asked for order on the floor, Rep. John Larsen (D-CT) bounded the House lectern saying, "We will NOT come to order. We want a vote." Democrats, acting in response to this month's Orlando nightclub massacre , demanded that Congress, at the very least, discuss measures to enact commonsense gun legislation, to include background checks. Congress, as it has been reported, favors gun lobbyists and the NRA. Republicans shut down C-SPAN cameras covering the event, leaving Democrats to take matters into their own hands, in an unprecedented move, by Periscoping and live-tweeting the event. Rep. John Larsen on the house floor today. h/t: Heral...
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