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Showing posts from June, 2018

Immigration Meltdown

The Trump administration continues to institute policy that dehumanizes people fleeing refuge and asylum who want to enter the U.S.  More and more reports show gruesome,  terror-like practices at the Texas-Mexican border. Children, as young as one year-old, are being taken from their mothers. One reporter told of a child being ripped away from its mother as it was being nursed. Reporters took to the White House briefing room on Thursday to ask about such border practices and were met with a non-chalant, empathetic-less response from Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Brian Karem , Editor of The Montgomery County Sentinel , took Huckabee-Sanders (a parent of young children) to task asking her if she any "empathy" for what was happening to the children at the border. What happened next had many shaking their heads in disdain. Here is a readout of that exchange as prepared by Democracy Now! Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders : “Hey, Brian, I know yo...