Talks a Bold Talk On Immigration and Education Last week Virginia senator Richard Saslaw received kudos from the Hispanic Leadership Alliance at their annual scholarship banquet where five Latino students were awarded college scholarships by the group started by Fairfax County educators. Saslaw says he has been a strong advocate for immigrants. Virginia senator, Richard Saslaw, accepts the '2011 Leader of the Year' award from the Hispanic Leadership Alliance. Photo/CD Brown. "This nation was raised by immigrants', said Saslaw. "If you take a look at all the technological advances in the last century, a lot of been made by immigrants." Naming off a few contributors: Jonas Salk, Albert Einstein, Edwin Teller, and the founder of Intel, Saslaw said "the list is endless." However, the immigrants Saslaw was referring to weren't subjected to the interrogation that Latinos and other people of color have experienced in their relentless pur...
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